Sunday, January 06, 2008

I apologize

For the short hiatus. I'm back, for now.

Friends welcome here.


Sandra Miller said...


No need to apologize.

(And hey, I've taken so many short hiatuses myself that I've lost count.)

Glad you're back, though. :-)

Jillian said...

Glad to see you're back! No need to apologize though. I hope all is well.

George said...

apology accepted.

LOL You are one of my fav's. I hope you know that!

Penny Ratzlaff said...

Yay Nicole's back!!!!

Bernard said...


I'm glad to see you back online. I hope that non-friends stay far, far away.

Major Bedhead said...

No worries, girl.

George said...


Unknown said...

Many happy returns, etc etc. Glad you're back! :)