Friday, November 09, 2007

The Ties That Bind

My mom made the blanket pictured above. It reminds me of all of you. The people that come here and read this blog. Those of you who write about your own experiences. All of you, your own unique and lovely stitch in this online community.

I hope you'll take a look at this post over at Blogabetes. It's about you - my invisible internet friends - and how very real you are to me.


Anonymous said...

A beautiful post, Nicole. Thanks for that.

Sandra Miller said...

That blanket is beautiful, Nicole.

Heading over to Blogabetes right now...

Nicole P said...

You're welcome, Beth - I've been enjoying Diabetes 365! Thank you. :)

Sandra - Thanks - I've left you a comment over there too.

Mandy said...

Nicole, your words always have a way of touching my heart. You write so eloquently and with such emotion, that you insire. Thank you for that!

Even from the distance of the internet, it's easy to see that your a pretty cool chick.

I would post this at Blogabetes, but it won't ever let me.

Donna said...

Your mom is very talented. What a beautiful blanket! It is very nice to have so many invisible internet friends. It's a feeling of comfort - much like the blanket. Very nice post.

Christine said...

Great picture! Happy D-Blog Day!

Anonymous said...

love the blanket. going to read your dlife blog now.

happy d-blog day! i love your writing.

Chrissie in Belgium said...

What a beautiful way os eeing the OC, all of us....Thanks for being there Nicole.

Drea said...

Invisible Internet friends, I love that line :) So very true.....