Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Job News - Post News - News News!

So - I took a new job in Providence. I am THRILLED TO PIECES. I start December 3rd. Wish me luck!

Read more about the arduous process of making career changes when you're worried about benefits over at Blogabetes today.

That's it for news. Another post later on about shoes. Yes shoes. I know. I need to get over the shoes. But. I. Can't. Help. It.


Jillian said...

Sounds like good news. Congrats! I can't wait for the shoes... Now I'm off to read your other post.

Anonymous said...

That sounds exciting, Nicole. We used to go to Trinity Rep often, and always at Christmas for a new and different production of A Christmas Carol each year. What will you be doing there?

Before each show, we usually enjoyed dinner at Empire right across the street. Is it still there, or has it changed hands like so many restaurants?

Good luck!

Sandra Miller said...

Congratulations, Nicole!

Awesome news!!

Mandy said...

Congratulations!!! Sounds like an amazing opportunity.

That has been a recent concern for me. Things at work are getting less than ideal, and our insurance options have gotten slimmer this year. The first year I finally USE my insurance I might ad. Changing jobs just seems so risky.

Can't wait to here how it goes, after you start!

If not a mother... said...

:) yay! I hope everything is figured out with insurance and expenses and such. (Remember, Excel is our friend.)

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Nicole! Yay! Working in theatre and for a company you believe in helps a lot. Woo-hoo!

Ah, shoes. I need some. Badly.

My COBRA runs out in August 08 so I have to think about a new job and returning to the States and finding good coverage because I can't afford to be without it. Ah, the worries of health care in America for chronic diseases.

mel said...

Congrats!! :) It's really funny because I just (last night) saw a commercial on tv for the Christmas Carol and thought to myself, I really want to go see that this year. And now I know someone who'll be working there... not that I expect you to get me tickets :) i'm just saying!

What will you be doing there?

Unknown said...

shoes! yay!

and job, yay! glad you decided to take it. :)

Chrissie in Belgium said...

Hope you will be happy at your new job! I checked out Trinity - and Brown University keep popping up! You know I went to Brown the year before I moved to Sweden. The world seems so little. I picture you there strolling around the university.

Penny Ratzlaff said...

Congratulations Nicole!!

Nicole P said...

Thank you guys!

Jeff - I'll be working in their Development and Marketing Office. Excited!!!

Sandra - Thank you so much. I am way over the moon. I know you've got big changes on the horizon too. :)

Mandy - Thanks. It is so stressful - and it so shouldn't have to be such a HUGE consideration. But it is. Ugh. Whatever you decide to do, just do lots of research - I know you'll be fine. If you need any assistance, let me know.

Rachel - Everything seems to have worked out fine. Of course, we'll have to see how the actual practice goes!!! :)

Amylia - Thanks for your comment here and at b-betes - I left you a long note over there!!!

Hannah - Thanks again, doll. Hope you find your new gig soon. :)

Chrissie - Yes, I do stroll the campus sometimes. Over on Thayer, Hope, and Wickendon too. Providence is a fabulous city. What year did you go to Brown?

Penny - Thank you :)