Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Writing it Down

I've had many bosses who've lived by the motto "If it's not (the phone call, the meeting, etc) in the database, it didn't happen." Don't I wish that were true of some bloodsugars... Even if I don't write them down, they've still happened. Of course, not keeping a log does make it easier to pretend that lousy numbers don't exist...

I write more about this at Blogabetes today - check it out if you like...


Chrissie in Belgium said...

I have yapped about this so many times, I feel like a brokien record. Careful logging ALSO shows you that some of those lowsy tests were NOT YOUR FAULT. When we start logging everything looks terrible, then we begin to recognize patterns which allow us to make small improvements and THEN we begin to see that hej, that HYPO and that HYPER were not caused by me. We discover that many of the weird things that happen are not our fault!!! This was BIG news to me! Logging gives us evidence to proove what we are up against! It gives us black on white that we can show our medical advisors that these results are not due to our faulty behavior! OK, of course we do make some mistakes, we are not always strong - but a lot of those hypers and hypos are NOT OUR FAULT! In some way this encourages further logging because it is proof to show to others that we are not at fault. Logging makes me feel less guilty! AND you know that if you had an interview and it wasn't recorded, IT DID HAPPEN! I don't care what the bosses say!

Kerri. said...

Nicole, I read your post and immediately identified with so much of it. I posted a response over at Blogabetes, too.
